And how will Iron beam system again enhance a revolution that Israel already started?

This flew over the head a few months ago and was not reported abroad so we will report it now. To those whom don’t know, the Iron Beam is the lowest level of the 5 levels of Israels missile defense wall (or is working on like in this case).

Despite its definition this is, or more like was, intended to intercept very short range mortars, under 5 miles (which Iron dome cannot intercept) and it is the most tactical Defense system there is. Well, where is it standing?

On Dec’ 6th, the former head of the Israel space agency, professor Yitzhak Ben Yisrael, said in a recent interview in Israels daily Maariv that with in a year, and without specifically mentioning the Iron Beam, Israel will be able to down incoming threats with Laser.

He said that it took 20 years for the technology to gain maturity cause in the past to be able to use laser to down incoming threats you needed machines the size of football field and today it can all fit into a mobile truck which can go from place to place!

Iron Beam rafael
Iron Beam

Our analysis – once it will be in place it gives Israel 2 great advantages and Israel as usual leads the pack on this – War economics and Psychology,  in addition to providing a pinpoint solution for very short and low flying mortars!

First, Iron Dome as we know CANNOT down tactical short low flying mortars or rockets, under 5 miles. That is where a Irom Beam comes into play. Iron Dome, or other missiles for that matter, cannot down those things. So any town, like Sderot, which is right next to the Gaza border, or important installations (like electric power grids and etc) or stationary or mobile army battalions which are threatened by those tactical threats will be covered.

Additionally, and here is the real revolution it can actually cover targets with LONGER ranges than 5km, hence here is war economics comes into play, even though it can’t cover the really high rockets the Hamas shoots or cruise missiles like the Hezbollah has. So if the rocket is low enough, instead of firing an expensive Tamir Missile from the Iron Dome battery (40K USD per missile) the Iron Beam – which each beam would cost NOTHING – can take it out. In each Iron dome battery protecting cities or other installations there will also be an Iron Beam mobile truck. Each time a missile is shot on Ashkelon, a complex automated algorithm will decide if to use the Iron Dome or the Iron beam and if it is low enough the Iron Beam will be used. That is beautiful for war economics both for Israel or any other military facing the same threats as Israel and for managing long wars, quagmires or wars of attrition.  Just think how such a system could help, for example, front line forces in Ukraine against Russian separatists (although Israel DOESN’T and won’t sell to either side any arms) or allied forces in Afghanistan!

In these 2 videos Ukrainian and US forces under mortar attack. One Iron Beam system would offer them protection, offer the strategic level more breathing space and enhance and offer the soldiers a sense of protection.

And third, psychology – at present, missiles fired from Gaza that algorithm calculates will NOT endanger lives or important installations, the Iron Dome is NOT used. but still there is a psychological effect even if the missile lands in nowhere. It is headlines in the media and creates a feeling of helplessness. The reason they are not taken out is war economics reasons. the Iron Beam can take them out because the cost of a beam is nothing (aside from a one time investment, some fixed costs or long term wear and tear costs, but no variables expensive costs). Additionally Iron Beam trucks can also be places in more remote areas and take out the rockets even if there is no danger there.

In this sense, Israel is truly revolutionizing and perfecting the war  economics of asymmetrical long term threats. And a big thank you to the Hamas which is providing a testing field for all these asymmetric wonders. Sometimes I really feel there is a  conspiracy between Israels arms industries and the Hamas. And I am wondering if the Hamas is getting a cut in the sales of these systems to foreign customers…