Israeli FirePower LTD.

In-depth Coverage and analysis of the Israels Arms Industry


Israeli Fire Power LTD., aka IFP, offers coverage accompanied by in depth analysis of Israels arms industry, one of the most unique, evolutionary and hence – little doubt – best in the world and was founded and run by former senior engineer in one of Israels biggest arms manufacturers (the big four).

Due to Israels unique security situation, both classic and asymmetric, since its existence in the last 70 years, Israel developed amazing grass roots “ground up” arms designed to deal with the unique challenges it has been facing. However, little is known how they come up with these amazing, sometimes science fiction, systems- So here, in our blog, we shed light on that. Or, you can just browse our categories on the right for selected post & essays on a variety of topics.

Additionally, we will be providing indepth coverage of all known arms systems developed and used, or being developed, in Israel either in the IDF and/or abroad, to create a real database of all Israeli arms and arms systems.



Israeli Female Girl Soldier

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